Apr. 13, 2018 – Jason Voorhees Mask

Possibly THE most well known mask in pop and film culture, the Jason Voorhees mask has become immensely popular. First introduced in Friday the 13th Part III, this mask has become iconic. With a red arrowhead chevron between the eyes and two pointing diagonally towards the eyes, this mask has become the most well known and famous of all his masks. Most of Jason’s hockey masks after Part III followed a similar pattern with small differences within each mask (excluding the mask Uber Jason wore in Jason X, which was titanium). The 2009 remake would also follow the same style as Part III except more faded and having a cream color instead of a white.

In addition to this being a regular post for the blog, it also serves as a nod to the day. I found it funny that I post about Jason Voorhees mask on Friday the 13th.

We all have to change with the times… it keeps you younger; it’s a new challenge. – Robert Englund

Jason Voorhees Hockey Part III Style Mask

Image Credit: Jason Voorhees Mask

Info Credit: Friday the 13th Wikia

Quote Credit: Robert Englund

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