May 25, 2018 – Sock and Buskin

The symbol of almost every theater, Sock and Buskin are two of the most iconic images in history. Two ancient symbols of comedy and tragedy. In Greek theater for tragedies, actors would wear a boot called a buskin that elevated them. Comedic roles had actors wear thin soled shoes called socks. The two masks have been used for theater for around 2500 years and has been the logo or symbol for multiple theater companies and organizations.

My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope. ‘ Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso. – Pablo Picasso

Sock and Buskin

Info Credit:

Picture Credit:

Quote Credit: Pablo Picasso

May 18, 2018 – Phantom of the Opera Erik’s Mask

Phantom of the Opera, the longest running Broadway show. Since 1986 it has run on stages not just on Broadway but across the world, and that is because of the work Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber creating the musical version of the show. The main antagonist, Erik, was scarred by deformities and was forced to wear a mask to conceal them. The mask would become his symbol, his prison, his curse as he plagued the Paris Opera House, even bringing the chandelier crashing down when he didn’t like a particular show after the first act. He reveals his deformities to main protagonist Christine and she agrees to marry him. The mask has grown to become the symbol for the show and an iconic symbol for theater.

Not all those who wander are lost. – J. R. R. Tolkien

Erik (left) and Christine (right)
Phantom of the Opera Mask

Info Credit: ; ; ;

Pictures Credit: Erik and Christine ;Phantom of the Opera

Quote Credit: J. R. R. Tolkien

May 11, 2018 – Michael Myers Mask

In 1978, the production team of the movie “Halloween” were tasked with getting the mask for antagonist, serial killer Michael Myers. Four masks were tested to see if they would be suitable. Masks of former U.S. President Richard Nixon, a clown mask, and two masks of characters ‘Spock’ and ‘Captain Kirk’ from the 60’s TV series “Star Trek”. The ‘Captain Kirk’ mask was ultimately chosen “due to its appearance of having no facial features that could be easily made out”. It was worn and painted to have the proper look for the character. It was adjusted so that the likeness to the character wouldn’t be seen, even actor William Shatner who played ‘Captain Kirk’ couldn’t tell it was one of his masks for years.

You have to create your life. You have to carve it, like a sculpture. – William Shatner

‘Captain Kirk’ Mask (left) and the iconic ‘Michael Myers’ Mask (right)

Picture Credit: Star Trek

Info Credit: Michael Myers

Quote Credit: William Shatner


May 4, 2018 – Darth Vader’s Mask

In honor of May the 4th (Be With You), this entry will be based on another famous mask from pop culture. Darth Vader’s mask, and helmet, is one of the most recognizable masks in film history. George Lucas gathered inspiration for his original films from old westerns and Japanese films. The Japanese aspect of his films is significantly evident in Darth Vader’s mask and helmet design. Like the samurai of feudal Japan, his mask and helmet were designed to represent that. But in the Star Wars lore, the mask also kept him alive. Used as a respirator it made sure his charred lungs had oxygen from the air he breathed and kept him alive for at least twenty years. Not only one of my favorite movie franchises, Vader is also considered one of the best film villains and that is partly do to his fierce look.

Do. Or do not. There is no try. – Yoda, “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back”

Darth Vader’s Classic Mask
Japanese Samurai version of Darth Vader’s Mask

Picture Credit: Darth Vader

Picture Credit: Darth Vader Samurai

Quote Credit: Star Wars Quotes

Apr. 27, 2018 – Spider-Man Mask

Appearing in ‘Amazing Fantasy’ #15 in 1962, Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Now over 56 years later his iconic look is still well known, thanks to multiple comic issues and the character being in a total of eight movies. His look has changed over the years, giving him different distinctive looks, but he has maintained the same style since his debut overall. The most famous among people today is possibly the Tobey Maguire, who played Spider-Man in Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” trilogy of from 2002 to 2008. Now, Tom Holland has taken up the mantle first appearing in 2016’s “Captain America: Civil War”. Now he has appeared in his own solo film, “Spider-Man: Homecoming” in 2017 and “Avengers: Infinity War” in 2018.

This post is in honor of the release of “Avengers: Infinity War” today.

 I guess one person can make a difference – Stan “The Man” Lee



Evolution of Spider-Man Masks

Image Credit: The Evolution of Spider-Man

Quote Credit: Stan Lee Quote


Apr. 20, 2018 – Joker’s “The Dark Knight” Mask

This mask is different from the others that I have done. This one has gained popularity in recent years due to it having been in Christopher Nolan’s ‘Batman’ sequel, ‘The Dark Knight”, in 2008. The mask was used in the opening bank robbing scene that introduced Heath Ledger’s ‘Joker’. Interestingly enough, this wasn’t the first time it was done as the ‘Joker’ from the 1966 “Batman” TV series was first introduced. Cesar Romero would play the character in the series, and “The Dark Knight” payed homage to the introduction. It was a nice little easter egg that many people never knew and as “The Dark Knight” is a popular movie today, it’s fitting that I would post about it as it is part of pop culture now more than ever.

“What doesn’t kill you, simply makes you stranger!” Heath Ledger as The Joker – The Dark Knight

Jokers Bank Robbing Mask – The Dark Knight
Comparison of Joker’s Mask (Cesar Romero on the left and Heath Ledger on the right)

Info Credit: Geektyrant – Joker Mask 

Picture Credit: Joker (The Dark Knight) Mask

Geek Twins – Joker Masks

Quote Credit: Heath Ledger Joker Quote

Apr. 13, 2018 – Jason Voorhees Mask

Possibly THE most well known mask in pop and film culture, the Jason Voorhees mask has become immensely popular. First introduced in Friday the 13th Part III, this mask has become iconic. With a red arrowhead chevron between the eyes and two pointing diagonally towards the eyes, this mask has become the most well known and famous of all his masks. Most of Jason’s hockey masks after Part III followed a similar pattern with small differences within each mask (excluding the mask Uber Jason wore in Jason X, which was titanium). The 2009 remake would also follow the same style as Part III except more faded and having a cream color instead of a white.

In addition to this being a regular post for the blog, it also serves as a nod to the day. I found it funny that I post about Jason Voorhees mask on Friday the 13th.

We all have to change with the times… it keeps you younger; it’s a new challenge. – Robert Englund

Jason Voorhees Hockey Part III Style Mask

Image Credit: Jason Voorhees Mask

Info Credit: Friday the 13th Wikia

Quote Credit: Robert Englund

Mar. 23, 2018 – Mortal Kombat Masks (Pop Culture)

Multiple examples of masks in pop culture are present. One example that is very well known are those in video games. A prime example is that of Mortal Kombat. Created in 1992, Mortal Kombat has become a favorite among gamers for the past two decades. Two notable characters from the franchise are Sub-Zero and Scorpion. The use a mask both to hide their true identity but also, in some instances, to strike fear into their opponents. They are also key signs of their clans, Scorpion of the Shirai Ryu and Sub-Zero of the Lin Kuei.

Those were 500 dollar sunglasses, a******! – Johnny Cage “Mortal Kombat” (1995)

Sub-Zero and Scorpion (Mortal Kombat X)

Picture Credit- Scorpion x Sub-Zero

Quote Credit- Johnny Cage



Mar. 16, 2018 – Product Finished

Ever since I started this project and this blog, I had multiple ideas of a product to make. It had to involve a mask, so I had decided to make the product a Hannya mask. But it wasn’t just a mask. I made the Hannya into a piece of art like those that I had seen on the internet and in real life. It had waves in a traditional Japanese style, with the Japanese rising sun in the background and cherry blossoms surrounding the mask. I did enjoy creating this and enjoyed incorporating some Japanese style into the final look of it.

However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. – Stephen Hawking 1942-2018

Hannya Art Piece by Dalton W.

Quote Credit – Stephen Hawking

Mar. 9, 2018 – Lucha Libre Masks

In 1929, Salvador Lutteroth Gonzalez brough professional wrestling into Mexico after viewing wrestling in El Paso, Texas while working. In 1933 he and Francisco Ahumada founded Empresa Mexicana de Lucha Libre (EMLL) in Mexico City. The first person to popularize mascaras (lucha libre masks) was Santo, El Enmascarado de Plata or “Saint, the Silver Masked Man”. Since their introduction, mascaras have remained a mainstay in Mexico and have played apart in Lucha Libre as it establishes characters. Some famous luchadors to wear mascaras include Rey Mysterio, Jr., Psicosis, Blue Demon, La Parka, Jushin “Thunder” Liger, and Mil Máscaras.

We all have split personalities; we all wear masks at some point in our careers. – Rey Mysterio

Jushin “Thunder” Liger

Photo Credit: Jushin Liger

Info Credit: Lucha Masks

Quote Credit: Rey Mysterio